Summertime Underscores Time for Pool Safety

A lot of people around the country were shocked by the drowning death of skier Bode Miller’s 19 month-old-daughter. It emphasizes the importance of pool safety as we get geared up for summer.

Miller’s daughter wandered into a neighbor’s backyard pool while the family was talking to them inside their home. The CDC says children between 1 and 4 years of age have the highest drowning risk, and most occur at swimming pools at home. Drowning accounts for one-third of unintentional injury for toddlers, so it’s recommended you watch children closely around swimming pools.

The Jam’s Brandon Pope linked up with the Chicago Park District for some tips. They say to only swim when a lifeguard is around. They also suggest swimming courses to make sure everyone is up to speed.

Photo: iStock/Wavebreak Media