Thanksgiving traditions with Jerry Springer and Steve Wilkos

It’s just about that time of year—a time to head home, surround yourself with family and friends and eat until you get that I-could-have-stopped-four-courses-ago feeling.
Jerry Springer and Steve Wilkos stopped by The U and we asked the two about their Thanksgiving traditions and holiday plans for this year.
“The best part about [Thanksgiving] is the whole family gets together and it’s not the pressure you have with, for example, Christmas or Hanukkah because no one’s getting any presents. It’s just about the whole family being together,” Springer told The U.
Wilkos mentioned he has great memories of Thanksgiving with his family growing up in Chicago and his grandmother’s Thanksgiving feast.
Check out Thanksgiving traditions according to the Springer and Wilkos families below!
Let's start our first course. Cornbread or rolls?
Jerry Springer – “Cornbread.”
Steve Wilkos – “Rolls.”
Sweet potatoes or regular potatoes?
JS – “Sweet potatoes.”
SW – “Both.”
Do you call it ‘stuffing’ or ‘dressing’?
JS – “Stuffing.”
SW – “Stuffing!”
Carrots or green beans?
JS – “Carrots.”
SW – “Both.”
Turkey or ham?
JS – “Turkey.”
SW – “Turkey.”
Time for more carbs. Mashed potatoes or mac and cheese?
JS – “Mashed potatoes.”
SW – “Mashed potatoes, all the way!”
Red or white wine?
JS – “Red.”
SW – “Red, come on. It’s Thanksgiving!”
Let's move on to dessert. Pumpkin pie or apple pie?
JS – “Pumpkin pie, but I usually eat cherry pie.”
SW – “Pumpkin pie, I also love cherry pie.”
Whose house do you always go to?
JS – “We always go to my sister’s house.”
SW – “[This year] is the first Thanksgiving that we’re staying in Connecticut and enjoying it at home.”
Is there football playing in the background?
Watch the video for their responses!
Wondering how your Thanksgiving opinions compare? Take the quiz!