Connect with The Jam’s Krista Green

Krista Green keeps 'The Jam' digitally connected as our social media expert! She sat down and shared more about her life, backstory and some of the things she loves about Chicago.
Give us a snapshot of a day in the life of Krista Green!
It is busy – whose isn't? – but I feel like I have a million jobs (laughs). Besides the work I do on-screen, I write scripts, take photos on set, manage our social accounts and I'm always on the look-out for the top trending stories to share with our viewers. I love being the person that bridges our on-air audience to our online audience. I couldn't dream of a better job.
You are obviously on camera every morning, but what are you doing when you are not on camera?
Believe it or not, I am dancing (laughs). I teach a fitness/dance cardio class at All About Dance in Lincoln Park called FYD Fitness. It is such a blast. I can't believe I am dancing again. Dance was always a huge part of my life. I started when I was three-years-old and danced through college. I thought my final show with my college team would be the last time I took dance seriously, ever. But, here I am teaching. It's fulfilling to know there is always a way to live your passion.
You are a University of Illinois Champaign-Urbana alum. Tell us about transitioning from college to this role on 'The Jam.' Did you always know you wanted to be on-air?
It's funny because I started freshman year as a broadcast journalism major, but I switched gears to advertising and minored in business – thinking I'd never be in front of a camera. I had an internship in college with NBC. The internship opened my eyes to a passion I never knew I had. It solidified media was the path for me, but I worked behind the scenes. I mostly shot and edited video, thinking my career path would continue behind the camera and my freshman year broadcast dreams were in the past.
College helped me learn that digital media is my niche. When I got to WCIU, I was writing for the website and managing social media for the station. Once The Jam began, it was such an exciting time. They say 'luck is what happens when preparation meets opportunity.' This was the opportunity.
What type of advice do you have for someone that wants to do what you do?
Work hard. I mean it. I believe I am only where I am because of my work ethic. It is a long history of going above and beyond and never settling. Show your value, and bring who you are to every role you take on.
This job description did not say "be able to bust a move at any given time" or "be comfortable dressing like an elf every day in December" (laughs). You are the only person that can bring your own unique flair to a role. Be you!
What is next for you?
I hope to explore every corner of Chicago for our viewers. It is an outstanding city and I want to share stories about the everyday people and establishments that make it exactly that – outstanding.
You are very into the music scene in Chicago. How did you get involved and who is a performer that you must see?
Music was always my first love. What's dance without music, right? I also played piano for several years and grew up going to countless concerts with my family. 7-years-old, 5th row at Jimmy Buffet? That was me. I still spend as many weekends as possible at live shows and I always have an ongoing list of artists I've yet to see. Lately, I've been crossing a lot off! Next up is Bruno Mars. He is so talented, such an incredible dancer and overall performer. He will be at Lollapalooza this summer, so you know where to find me.
We know you love Chicago and hanging out around town. Quick questions name your favorite places!
Best Brunch
Left Coast
Best Rooftop Bar
Ballast Point
Favorite Music Venue
Concord Music Hall
Best Place to Just Hang-Out
Soho House
Best Shopping
Shops on Armitage in Lincoln Park
Must-do Summer Activity
For more from Krista Green, follow her on Facebook, Twitter, and Instagram.