
88 Years of Nancy Drew

Nancy Drew has been in the American cultural lexicon for over 88 years now appearing everywhere from print to the small and big screen.

Let's take a quick trip down memory lane to see how the iconic female detective came to be.

1929: The first Nancy Drew book, The Secret of the Old Clock, is written. Under the pen name Carolyn Keene many ghostwriters would contribute to the character's growing legacy but Mildred Wirt Benson laid the groundwork for the spunk and charisma fans have come to know and love with the character.


1938: Nancy Drew appears for the first time on the big screen in Nancy Drew: Detective from Warner Bros. The film starred Bonita Granville as Nancy Drew doing what she does best, solving a mystery.


1977: Nancy Drew teams up with her male counterparts, the Hardy Boys, on the late 1970s TV show: The Hardy Boys/Nancy Drew Mysteries. The show lasted three seasons before ending in 1979.


1995: Nearly twenty years later Nancy would team up with The Hardy Boys again for a one-season show in which Nancy went off to college and majored in journalism.

2005: Nancy Drew celebrates her 75th anniversary on April 28th!


2006: Warner Brothers comes out with a new modern take on the female detective in Nancy Drew, starring Emma Roberts as the lead role.

2019: Nancy Drew returns to television for a new generation of fans in The CW Network's series Nancy Drew, starting Kennedy McMann playing a slightly older Nancy tackling a murder mystery, ghosts, relationships and more!

Don't miss new episodes of Nancy Drew Wednesdays at 8P on Chicago's New Home for The CW, CW26.